Monday, July 7, 2014

Miss Rumphius

334818I have loved Miss Rumphius since I was a child.  It won the National Book Award in 1983.  It always makes me think of heading up the mountains in Wyoming, where lupines cover the roadside.  My personal connection to the flowers is really what connected me to this book.  The story follows the life of Alice Rumphius, whose greatest dream was to travel the world and leave her mark.  She took with her the seeds of her favorite flower, spreading them everywhere she went.  The following year, fields of lupine sprang up everyone she had been.  It became her legacy.  The illustrations are simply beautiful, full of color and life.  Whenever I see a field of lupine, I imagine her walking that ground, spreading her seeds.  This is a book not to be missed.  As I travel up into the Wyoming mountains this week, I can't help but think of this book and desire to share its beauty with the world.  Happy reading!

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