Monday, August 18, 2014


17586991Henny is another picture book I recently discovered.  It is about a chicken who has born with arms instead of wings.  Now to be honest, she does look a little creepy, but the story itself is enjoyable.  At times she has a lot of trouble with the fact that she can't do things the other chickens can do, like flying.  At other times she relishes in the fact that she can do things they can't, like use chopsticks.  She comes to realize that being different isn't always fun, but it is wonderful once she realizes her potential.  This book is all about being different and how that can be a good thing.  There are times in our lives that being the same as everybody else is all we want.  Fitting in and being accepted can be crucial to our development.  Then, there are times in our lives that all we want to do is stand out, be unique, even special.  Henny experiences both those desires and in the end realizes how wonderful being different can really be.  She may not have wings to fly, but her arms allow her to pilot a plane.  I think that the point is there is no right or wrong way to do things, trying them is what is important.  Even more, accepting who we are and figuring out what makes us special is something that we all need to experience in order to truly be happy.  This is a great book to help illustrate how wonderful being different can really be.  Happy reading!

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